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Presentation Topics

What is Best for Your Audience?

Susan has presented to over 100 audiences. She can give a keynote address or a fireside chat, either in person or virtually, inspiring your audience with her personal experiences and insights on leadership, teamwork, and mission success. She can narrate a short movie of her trip to space, including all the fun of working and living in weightlessness, in addition to the excitement of launch, reentry, and landing. She can present a unique geography lesson with photographs taken from space, including a perspective on how Earth has changed in the past 60 years. Susan overcame many obstacles on the road to her success; she is candid about her experiences.

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Mission Success

The same leadership, teamwork, and safety practices astronauts employ to successfully complete a mission apply in the corporate world. 


Image Credit: NASA

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Having it All

Susan has inspired many audiences relating her experiences as a woman in multiple male-dominated fields while balancing a family life. She stresses that it might be possible to “have it all” but not necessarily all at once.

Image Credit: NASA

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Sitting on a Rocket

and I feel fine

Susan mastered stress management from her days as a Navy jet pilot, test pilot, and astronaut. What can be more stressful than being the first woman pilot to join an F-14 Tomcat squadron and then being faced with multiple system failures on her very first flight. Or, how about training more than 12 hours a day for a year and then riding a rocket out of this world. Susan can speak about stress management techniques that work in the most demanding situations. 


Image Credit: NASA

Repetitive Lines

Dare to Dream


Image Credit: NASA

Susan can tailor presentations to audiences of all ages. For elementary school groups, an emphasis is placed on the importance of math, science, teamwork, and self-confidence. For middle school groups, an emphasis is placed on overcoming personal struggles and living your own life. For high school groups, an emphasis is placed on what it takes to succeed and realize a dream.

Image by Colin Carter

Geography From a

New Perspective

A unique lesson in geography will impress any audience with a focus on preserving our planet. Susan will take your audience on a tour of our beautiful world and see places from an exciting new perspective. The presentation can include all the continents and many different types of landforms, in addition to a visual of the eye-opening changes Earth is undergoing. This can be tailored to any age group.


Image Credit: NASA

 "She was absolutely amazing! So inspiring and funny! Her presentation and pictures were very enjoyable to watch + she had great advice on leadership, empowerment, and women
in the workplace."

Colgate Palmolive.png

"One of the most interesting and motivating presentations I have ever seen. Her story and its application to leadership and perseverance
was enthralling."

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Starbucks Innovation Expo

TV Appearance



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